Paper submissionPaper formatting Accepted papers will be included in the PSIVT 2013 proceedings of the workshops published Papers must comply with the GCCV2013 LaTeX author template and have a maximum length of 12 pages with the option of purchasing up to 2 extra pages for US$100 per page. No other format will be accepted.
Double-blind review GCCV 2013 review is a double-blind process, i.e. authors do not know the names of the reviewers of their papers and reviewers do not know the names of the authors. Authors are advised not to reveal their identity in the paper, especially when self-citing your previous work and your experimental data. Avoid providing links to websites that identify the authors. Violation of these guidelines can lead to rejection.
Online paper submission Papers must be submitted in electronic format as PDF files before the submission deadline (August 20th) from our online workshop management system. Note that the PDF file can be updated till August 23rd once the submission is made before August 20th. There is a 10 MB limit on the uploaded file size. Alternatively, authors can submit papers both to the main symposium PSIVT 2013 and to the workshop GCCV2013 at the same time (by the deadline of the main symposium) via the main symposium submission site. For the dual-submission policy, see the author guidelines of the main symposium PSIVT 2013.
Registration At least one author of an accepted paper must register to the main symposium PSIVT 2013 before September 25th, 2013. Papers without registration will be withdrawn.
Ethical requirements |